
Follow your passion, and success will follow you

Elevate Your Space, Elevate Your Passion

Welcome to CilpaStore, where passion meets organization in a symphony of style. We are not just a store; we are curators of experiences for those who find joy in the tangible beauty of vinyl, books, and comics.

Our Story: Born out of a shared love for the analog, CilpaStore emerged in 2019 as a haven for enthusiasts seeking more than just storage solutions. We understand that music, literature, and art are not merely possessions; they are expressions of who we are. Our journey began with the simple belief that every vinyl record, every book, and every comic deserves a space that complements its significance.

Our Vision: At CilpaStore, our vision goes beyond providing storage solutions. We envision a world where every cherished item in your collection is not just stored but celebrated. We believe that the aesthetics of organization should match the sophistication of your passion. It's not just about shelves and dividers; it's about creating an environment that resonates with the soul of your collection.

What Sets Us Apart:

  1. Craftsmanship: Our products are crafted with precision and passion. Each item is a testament to our commitment to quality, durability, and style.

  2. Thoughtful Design: We don't just create storage solutions; we design experiences. From floating shelves to vinyl racks, each product is thoughtfully designed to enhance your space and elevate your passion.

  3. Diverse Collections: Whether you are a vinyl enthusiast, a book lover, or a comic collector, we have curated collections that cater to your specific needs. Our diverse range ensures that there's something for everyone.

Our Commitment:

  1. Quality: We prioritize quality in every step of the crafting process. Your collection deserves the best, and we are committed to delivering nothing less.

  2. Customer Experience: Your journey with CilpaStore doesn't end with a purchase. We are dedicated to providing a seamless and enjoyable customer experience. From browsing to delivery, we want every interaction to be exceptional.

  3. Passion-Driven: We are driven by the same passion that fuels your collection. Our team understands the importance of preserving and showcasing what you love.

Join the CilpaStore Community: CilpaStore is more than a brand; it's a community of individuals who appreciate the finer things in life. Join us on this journey of elevating spaces and passions. Follow us on Instagram for updates, tips, and a glimpse into the world of CilpaStore.

Elevate your space, elevate your passion. Welcome to CilpaStore.


Product Designer

Arthur Miklauskis



Warehouse Manager

Our love for vinyl isn't just a tune; it's a symphony. CilpaStore is where that symphony finds its perfect stage." - Arthur